Data deletion

Automate the deletion of stored data you no longer need

Via the Settings page, you can configure data deletion settings for all accounts and record types across your instance. This allows you to manage the amount of data you are storing and remain data compliant. Middle has you set how many days data is retained before it's deleted. There are three types of data Middle retains and deletes: records, record activity, and workflow history.

  • Records: Records are data captured by syncs. Records are used to power workflows and to power user interface screens in the account interface. A record will be deleted when its "last purposeful use" date exceeds the number of days your set for data retention. A record's "last purposeful use" date is refreshed (i.e., set to now) every time that record is referenced in a workflow execution or trigger execution and every time that record is updated. Deleting a record is permanent, but may be looked up via a data sync and stored again.

Once records are deleted they can always be re-synced into Middle

  • Record activity: Whenever Middle sees a new record, it stores a copy of the old version of that record. This is used to assist in troubleshooting when looking at a record and its history in Middle. These records are deleted when the number of days set in the data deletion settings passes from the date of storage.

  • Workflow history: Whenever Middle executes a workflow, it stores a detailed history of each step executed. This is used to troubleshoot when seeing why a workflow completed or not. These records are deleted when the set number of days passes from the date of storage.


Record retention rules can be overridden. These overrides are account connection and record type-specific. For example, it's possible that you want to keep all user data for a brand's POS system regardless of whether a workflow has been run on it. Alternatively, you may need to delete an account's data at a greater frequency. In either case, you can go to the account, the connection you want to set the override in, and then next to the record type there is a data retention override option. You have the option to either disable all data deletion for that record type in the specific connection or you can set the number of days records will be retained without a workflow or trigger referencing the record. Data retention overrides give you the control to accommodate business-specific data requirements.

View expected deletion date

You can review the last purposeful use of a record to get an idea of when Middle might delete it by reviewing the specific record in an account's app.

Last updated