
Review Hubspot's instructions on how to create a developer app and the needed scopes

To connect HubSpot with Middle, you'll need to create an app in HubSpot to facilitate the connection. For detailed guidance on creating public apps, refer to HubSpot's developer documentation. Additionally, you can follow the Middle-specific instructions provided below.

Create a Hubspot developer account

If you don't already have one, you will need to create a Hubspot developer account.

Create a new app

  1. In your developer account, navigate to Apps in the main navigation bar.

  2. In the upper right, click Create app.

  3. Fill in the App Info tab with the relevant information. It’s a good idea to describe the app's purpose.

  4. Go to the Auth page.

  5. Scroll down to Redirect URLs.

  6. Enter the following URL, replacing {ENTER YOUR INSTANCE NAME HERE} with your instance name: {ENTER YOUR INSTANCE NAME HERE}

  7. Scroll down to Scopes.

  8. Search for the oauth scope and check the Request box.

  9. Click Save to save the app.

Add app credentials to Middle

You will need to retrieve the Client ID and Client Secret for your new app and add them to Keys section of your instance's HubSpot app along with your redirect URL. These details need to be added in JSON format. Below is an example:

"redirect_url": "https://{ENTER YOUR INSTANCE NAME HERE}"}

You should now be all set to authenticate Hubspot in your instance.

Syncing contact custom properties

Custom properties can be synced into HubSpot for Contacts. For flexibility, properties are synced as arrays of key/value pairs. There is one array for each data type: strings, numbers, dates, datetimes, and arrays of strings. You can use array manipulation tools to integrate these custom properties into your workflow.

Selecting properties to sync

In your Hubspot connection's authentication, you'll need to list which custom properties you'd like to sync. This is set up to help limit the size of your contact records.

On the app connection page, you'll need to enter the internal property name (found in the property manager) under Custom Fields For Contacts.

Last updated